3dprinted rc car chassis clutch connected to the electric motor

3Dprinted RC car chassis DESTINY’s Clutch Re-Design

3Dprinted RC car BUILD POST (NEW – DESTINY – v.X.3)

Post date:

Many of You building DESTINY (the on-road electric 1/10 3Dprinted RC car Chassis) pointed out issues with the Clutch. In cases when you have bigger performing Motors than the one we (so far only used and) built DESTINY with. (540, 20.000 RPM) link to build video.

According to some of your reports, the connection was too weak. Sometimes, the Shaft even came alive and rotated freely inside the Clutch. Totally shearing the form fit.

We made some changes in order to make the connection between the Clutch and the Motor Shaft much stronger. More precisely: Inside our fully 3Dprinted 1/10 RC car Chassis Simple Bevel Gear System, we designed new fastening possibilities.

There are 3 major changes!

3dprinted rc car chassis clutch developments shown
3Dprinted RC car Chassis Clutch developments shown (also note the recently changed SPIRAL pinon head!)

1. From here on in you are able to achieve an even more stable joining with an M3x5mm screw.

There is very little space between the Clutch and the Chassis Frame. Even only when a tiny screw like this makes the fastening. We highly recommended to use either a Hexagon Socket Set Screw or a Slotted Countersunk Screw. You can try to use the same headed screw as you can see how we presented it on the picture, but it might happen it would cause some issues. We only presenting it with that, because my Bro could’nt find neither the above mentioned screws at home. Both recommended screw types we are presenting further down below!

3dprinted rc car chassis clutch connected to the electric motor
General Screw used for Clutch and Motor Shaft fastening
M3 Hexagon Socket Set Screw
M3 Slotted Counter Sunk Screw

2. Another new built in development from here on in is an M3 Nut embedded/built into the Clutch.

This is where the M3x25mm is holding together the Pinion Head Piece and the Clutch with two Bearings. Although, the M3x25mm is quite long and it was giving us a firm attachement of the two pieces, we would like to prevent any further issues, so hence this improvement. The whole thing might even be more sturdy and generally much better. Hopefully, we prevent some problems with this, that could have occured down the road!

New design without the M3x25mm screw inserted
Assembled system with new Clutch design

3. We also put in a new form fit design where the 3Dprinted Pinnon Head and the Clutch join together.

See below the new form fit pieces in red. The old designs are the green and white pieces.

Note Pinion Back in red has a form fit now compared to the old one!

Happy Building to You Guys!!! If you find something that stinks about DESTINY, please share it in the FORUM! Let us get this thing WORLD CLASS!

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