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Hi Allen,

There are three different versions of the upper shock holder: 60mm, 55mm, and 50mm. I’ve attached a picture showing a 60mm shock assembled with the corresponding holder.

You can try screwing the threaded rod further into the marked piece. This will allow for slight adjustments in the hole-to-hole distance of the shock.

Best regards


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Szilard and william allen have reacted to this post.
Szilardwilliam allen

I’m re-posting my question.  Please see the clarification comment.  I appreciate any recommendations/solutions.

I ordered shocks and made sure the spacing between top/bottom holes was 60mm per the build documentation.  I confirmed the shocks really are 60mm when the order arrived.   However, at 60mm when mounted the lower arm is pushed way down.  If I measure the actual distance between the upper shock holder and the lower arm it is much less than 60mm.

Clarification —-  I found four length choices for the REAR suspension support; however, I only find a single choice for the front suspension, which is the source of my problem.  The attached picture shows a 60mm shock installed on the front of my chassis.


What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

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Hello Allen,

You meant the front shocks :D, sorry

These aren’t the factory pieces. We created custom shocks for our scale models, so I had to lower the front shocks as much as possible. I couldn’t find any pre-made shocks that fit this lowered size, so I designed my own. Please see the attached picture. For assembly details, check out the YouTube video! 🙂

You can use the spring from your ebay shockabsorber.


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  • front_shocks.png

So I just downloaded the files for the destiny chassis but I can’t unzip the file. everytime i try it tells me the file is corrupted or incomplete. was wondering if you’d have any tips or tricks to fix this issue?

Hi ellieraven1

I have just checked it. It comes down to me nicely. I zipped it with WinRAR.
If still not working try to download again. If issue presists I really don’t know what the problem could be…

antibala has reacted to this post.

Hi Szilard,

I just installed a different “unzipping” program and it seems to have worked. was trying the 7z app and it was liking it but AukZip worked!


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