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Ask we'll answer about 3D-printing

Hi guys,

If you have any questions about 3D-printing in general – Here is the place to ask it 🙂

hey creator I got some questions related to 3dprinting your 3rd version adjustbale chassis
what percentage of infill should i use for chassis parts


I always use 20% or 30%. 

Hi, what material would you recommend for making rubber?
I had a piece of 40D TPU and I didn’t really like the result.

antibala has reacted to this post.

Hello Bill,

I don’t have much experience with flexible materials. I bought only one TPE filament years ago, and half of it is still left. Basically, they are tricky to print, but if you get the right settings, they are usable. I think a printed tire will never be like a factory one for sure, but my prints weren’t bad, so I think you could try the TPE too. I attached a data sheet.

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BiLL has reacted to this post.

Can I know the list of repeated 3d printed parts from the file of Destiny?
I tried checking from the build guide but I could not understand.

Hello Gokul, 

here you can find a fully assembled 3D it may can help you:

The model is not up to date but functionally correct

RC Ford Mustang 1967 Fastback with DESTINY Chassis

is it the same for Infinity aswell?

antibala has reacted to this post.

Here is a detailed assembly for Infinity:

RC Trophy Truck Chassis INFINITY Assembly

I told my brother many times to place this page to an even more logical location. Currently no one could find it… 



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