Destiny Follow UP

DESTINY update Follow Up

3Dprinted RC car BUILD POST (NEW – DESTINY – v.X.3)

Post date:

In this Post you will see, if a new upgrade is available in DESTINY’s download file.

2024.10.27 / 3rd RELEASE is out!

3D-printed RC CAR CHASSIS 1/10 rear 2WD

#NEW Features of the 3rd RELEASE

Here is a video presenting all this: Youtube video

  • NEW Bumpers (Frontal)
  • NEW Suspension without any screw inside the design.
  • NEW Bolted Turnbuckle. You just simply put a screw inside it.
  • Middle Bracket/ Middle Mounting System -no support needed. Set to be printed in orientation which is best for strength.
  • NEW Adjustable Steering Side. Toe in/Toe out can be easily set now!
    (Toe angle is the angle of the wheels when viewed from directly above.)
  • NEW Adjustable Connecting Part. You can lego out your wheelbase easily, with the new 4 pieces!
  • NEW Front Suspension Holder for the most common 60mm ebay Shock Absorber
    The use of this is in the front not allow the assembly to all of our bodies to the chassis! This feature was designed for community request.

If you DOWNLOAD DESTINY you’ll find all these new features in the “00_BASE_ELEMENTS” folder!

Link to Post with images about the #NEW Features

2024.09.25 / Recommended Metal Clutch for stronger Motors

metal clutch for mfactory33 chassis

The 3D printed clutch likes to shread itself off due to greater motor performance!

Link to Chassis build page

2024.04.20 / Clutch Re-Design and Further Development

Listing the new features of the Clutch regarding the fully 3D-printable Simple Bevel Gear Driven System:

  1. M3 Screw to fasten the Motor Shaft and Clutch together.
  2. Built in M3 nut into the Clutch for the Pinon head joining.
  3. Pinon Head Back is now form fitted for a sturdier connection.

Among DESTINY’s files in “NEW ADD-ONS @ 2024.04.20” folder you will find the new features when you download again!

You can read more about these updates! (Link to post)

2024.02.15 / 2nd Release is out!

DESTINY RC Chassis 1/10

Find the new stuff visually presented here!

Listing the new ADD-ONs:

  1. 9V Battery Holder Bracket for LED lights
  2. Main Battery Velcro Fastener
  3. Middle Mounting (Fully Printed Version)
  4. NEW Rocking Arms for better printing without support!
  5. NEW Steering Bar Sides with SCREWS instead of Ball-Head Joints
  6. NEW Turnbuckle Ends with SCREWS instead of Ball-Head Joints
  7. NEW Steering Bar with Ball-Heads included
  8. Printable Simple Bevel Gear Drive
  9. Printable SUSPENSION (TPE)

Among DESTINY’s files in “NEW ADD-ONS @ 2024.02.15” folder you will find the new features!

2023.06.05 / 1st Release is out!

DESTINY is available to download!

6 responses to “DESTINY update Follow Up”

  1. Hi,
    Is it possible you could email the manual for the Desitiny chassis. I have tried to download from your website and cant figure out how to do it. It keeps installing different programs on my computer but cant access the manual.

    1. Hi Brian,

      there is no manual in the downloaded quick guide.

      On this page below you can get all the parts needed for the chassis:

      On this page as well you will see links to our car bodies where we explain which chassis parts to print and use to fit under that car body. All chassis parts are among the DESTINY downloaded files.

      Assembly is so complicated so we made a video just all about it!
      Unfortunately, my HDD containing the full assembly video has gone rogue just right before exporting the video. Now I am paying a fortune to a data recovery technician to get it back. Hopefully very soon you guys will see that video uploaded!!! It will be on a new YouTube channel – MF Builds – Stay tuned!

      1. Alessio Lovisetto Avatar
        Alessio Lovisetto

        I suggest you is very good cloud storage at low price. I’m using it and It work very well. I hope that you could retrive your data lost!

        1. We sorted it out thanks! It was a fortune though 😀

  2. Hi

    I made a Ball Head screw for 4.8mm i would like to send the file
    to you. Do you have a email so i can send the file for you. I hope it will help you to add or improve the ball head screw that i made.
    I like your video it really helps.


    1. hey gary

      you can get our email address on our Youtube about page. Thanks 🙂
      (I do not want to share it here because of spam attack)

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